Tuesday, October 2, 2018

My Beautiful 1973 Aristocrat LandStar Is Leaving.

After thinking it over for a long time, I decided to let my Aristocrat move on to a home that would cherish and use it more than I did.  I had taken it to one trailer event since I brought it home 3 years ago and it really deserved better than that. 

A nice couple from Sacramento came up to look at it and really liked the feel of the roomy inside and the bright cheery colors and I knew that they would make a good fit.  They bought the trailer the same day and came back a few days later with their truck to pick it up. 

I was hoping to see them and what they had accomplished with curtains and other finishing touches at Trailerfest that was held in Plymouth CA but I had to cancel but I'm sure I will see them around sometime at other rallies with their gem of a trailer!